After teaching my first ever lesson, I felt proud of myself. I was quite nervous beforehand but found it to be easier than I thought it would be, and I feel like I was able to overcome my anxiety and teach a good lesson. Even though Jennelle and I had a limited amount of time to plan, I feel as though we were able to come up with good ideas and activities for the class. When we were actually teaching, we were able to stick to what we planned, while also being prepared for the unexpected. The class was very interactive, which was great, as with online teaching it can be difficult to engage students and keep their attention on you. The pace of the lesson was manageable, and it seemed to fly by. One difficulty we had was not having students want to come on the mic or on camera, which I know is a common problem for online learning. In the future, I will try to encourage students to put on their mic and camera more, as it is nice to put names to faces and see that people are actually listening. All in all, the lesson went well, and I am happy that it did and excited to teach again.
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