Class (Intermediate Level 4-5) Date: Jan. 27, 2021 (Jason Brown) (2 hours)
Hour One
During my time observing Jason, I saw what a teacher who is very comfortable and calm looks like. At the start of the lesson, he had a slide up showing what the homework was to remind students, which is a really good idea, as it reminds students what they have been learning and what the class will be about that day. He then got students rather than himself to remind the class what they did last class, giving them an opportunity to practice their speaking. He helps out if any student is unsure and is very positive and encouraging. As he reads through what the reading is, he makes sure to repeat what he’s said multiple times in case anyone has trouble understanding. He also asks questions frequently and chooses students to answer and speak on the mic.
Hour Two
In the second half of the class, Jason used breakout rooms to split the students into groups and discuss together what adjectives could be used to describe certain characters in the story they were reading. Before this, he makes sure students know what an adjective is, and asks if there are any questions, as he does frequently throughout the lesson. After each activity he goes through the answers with the students, making sure that they know that there is no wrong answer. He shows many examples and samples so students know what their work should look like, and actually goes through a full essay and reads through it for them. One small criticism I had for the class was that there was quite a bit of teacher talk as Jason was explaining everything that was needed for the essay. Other than that, it was a well-executed class.
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