This was our last class to teach for our practicum. Because of this, we wanted to make it about a fun topic, while still trying to focus on the reading aspect of the course. We connected it to the lesson previous by asking what the students had tried, however, none responded. I think if we were to do it differently I would have made the questions we asked into more of an activity rather than just questions on a slide. Our warm-up activity was also a bit slow, and the students didn’t seem very engaged when asked to come up with activities at the “round table”. I think they may have needed a little more direction on what to do, and we could have made it into more of a competition.
For our next activity, first we got students to watch a video about Kamloops summer activities then had a quick discussion as a class. The students were more engaged for this part and were quick to chat and answer our questions. After, we got them to read an article about summer sun safety and discuss questions in their breakout rooms. The breakout room that I was in had a great discussion and were able to answer most of the questions with their mics on. After we rejoined the full class, other students felt confident enough to turn on their mics and talk, which was encouraging to see.
For the exit ticket we asked for feedback and were able to get lots of it, which really helped. It showed that the students were enjoying our class and had helpful comments for us to improve in future lessons.
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